
Home-made Chicken Burgers with Cranberry Mayo

This is a great low-fat alternative to beef hamburgers.  The tang of the cranberry mayo just rings of thanksgiving on a bun!

3 chicken breasts (small to med)
2 stalks celery
1 small onion
1tsp. poultry seasoning
½ C plain breadcrumbs
1 egg
1 tsp salt
½ tsp pepper
Salt & pepper to season the outside
1-2 T olive oil

Rough chop the celery and onion and put it in a food processor.  Process the veggies until they are very small dice.  Dice the chicken breasts and add them to the processor with the poultry seasoning, breadcrumbs, egg, salt and pepper.  Process all the ingredients until they are well combined.   Take out the amount you want per patty, shape them, and season with salt and pepper.  Cook them on medium in a pan with about 1 T olive oil.  Be sure to cook them all the way through….you can cut them with a knife and check the middle just in case. Makes 5-6 burgers depending on chicken breast sizes.

Cranberry Mayo
½ C cooked cranberries
1-2 T mayonnaise (to taste)

Mix cooked cranberry relish (or canned if that’s all you have) with the amount of mayo that tastes good to you. 

To serve:  Place chicken burger on the bun, a nice lettuce leaf and a dollop of cranberry mayo.